
Skating Camps, Clinics & recitals

YOUTH Skating Camps

Fire & Ice Spring Beginning Skating clinic

Sign up for the Blooming Star Monday, April 14

Blooming STAR Recital

MONDAY, April 14, 2025
6:20 - 8:20pm

This recital is a great way to get started in figure skating! From the beginner tot to the advanced figure skater, all skating levels are welcome. 

Register for a Solo or Duet today!

Registration Deadline: March 31

Early Bird Discount – $10.00 off registration fee. Deadline: March 24

Skate Sharpening

Need a sharper edge on your blades? Stop by the Welcome Center to drop off your own hockey skates to be sharpened for just $15. We cannot guarantee immediate turnaround for sharpening.

Skate Sharpening is available at the Berger Foundation Iceplex Welcome Center

FOUNDING sponsors